Protecting your trees from aphids

For this month's gardening tip, we are talking about aphids! They may be tiny, but they can cause big problems for your trees.

Aphids and how to identify them.

Aphids are small (1/16- to 1/8-inch-long), pear-shaped, soft bodied bugs with long antennae. They can range in color from green, black, red, yellow, brown, or gray. These tiny insects can cause big problems if left unattended. Aphids suck sap from the leaves of trees, which can stunt their growth. If you spot them on your trees, don't panic! You can get rid of them.

How to get rid of them:

One effective method is to spray your trees with a mixture of water and dish soap. The soap will suffocate the aphids and prevent them from coming back. Use an unscented plain soap like Dr. Bronner’s castile soap or Dawn dish soap. Combine 1 tsp with a quart of water. Mix well and spray in the evening, not in full sun. If the infestation is intense, massaging the leaves to get the soap on the aphids will help. You may need to repeat this every other day for a week.

Another option is to introduce natural predators like ladybugs. Ladybugs are aphid predators and can help keep your trees healthy. But how do you attract ladybugs to your garden? Start by planting flowers that ladybugs love, such as daisies, marigolds, and yarrow. You can also create a ladybug house by drilling holes in a wooden block or filling a mesh bag with straw. This will provide a cozy home for ladybugs to lay their eggs and raise their babies.

Speaking of baby ladybugs, did you know that they look vastly different from adult ladybugs? They start out as tiny black and orange larvae that resemble miniature alligators. As they grow, they shed their skin several times and eventually transform into the familiar red and black spotted beetles we all know and love. You can order ladybugs from Nature’s Way Ladybugs in Great Falls, Montana. Or you can try to entice them from the wild by leaving out a shallow dish of water or a pile of rocks for them to hide under. With a little patience and some careful planning, you can attract and keep ladybugs in your garden to help control aphids and keep your trees healthy.

As always if you have questions or need some advice on how to keep your trees aphid free give us a call at 406.586.5171 or shoot an email to

We are always here to help!

Where to order ladybugs and ladybug houses:

Lady Bugs Direct

Best Nest

Planet Natural



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